Category Archives: nutrient pairing

Would flavorful function win over better tasting personal preference?

A recent Nutritional Food Pairings article has me wondering – how much of a selling feature is such a concept?  Nutrient synergies are hardly a new finding. I still recall from my ’80s clinical training that iron is better absorbed with a vitamin C rich food, or even just the acidity – like from ground […]
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Posted in "Newsy Flavor to Savor for a Well Seasoned Intellect", antioxidant, antioxidants, meal, meal pairing, meal pairings, meals, nutrient combinations, nutrient combos, nutrient pairing, nutrient pairings, nutrient synergies, nutrient synergy, pairings, phytochemical, phytochemicals | Comments Off on Would flavorful function win over better tasting personal preference?