Holiday Eating and Weight Loss Surgery

The Holiday Season is here.  Holidays are a time of celebration with family, friends, and food.  Food is often the center of many of our gatherings, which can be scary for an individual who is preparing to have weight loss surgery or for a patient who recently had a procedure.  With some planning weight loss surgery patients can enjoy the holidays without hindering their success.

If you recently had surgery of course you need to stick to the post-operative diet prescibed to you by your surgeon.  You may need to prepare you own foods and take them with you or eat prior to your gathering.  If you are further out from surgery and have been consuming solids foods you may be able to find foods you can enjoy, however you may not.  Hosting a gathering gives you control over the menu, however if you are the guest you will need to so some pre-planning.  Give the host a call and check on the menu, if you are able and feel comfortable doing so.  You can also offer to bring a dish you know you can enjoy.  Well all else fails eat before the party.


Holiday Weight Loss Surgery Eating Tips

  • Always eat protein food first, then vegetables and fruit.
  • Avoid starches like mashed potatoes, sweet pototoes, stuffing, and dinner rolls as much as possible.  Even if you tolerate them they will fill you up too much.
  • Avoid or limit gravies and sauces.  Many are high in calories and fat.  Cranberry sauce is high in sugar.
  • Avoid or limit desserts especially if there are no low calorie/low sugar items offered.  Share or just have a taste if you a really tempted.
  • To reduce temptation move food away from your line of vision and smell.  Also leave the table as soon as you can.  Helping to clean up will get you moving!
  • At a buffett, survey the table first to see what is offered then make a plan to only take the foods you really want and can tolerate.
  • Practice mindful eating.  Stop when you feel full.  Nothing ruins a party more than vomiting!
  • Use the smallest plate you can find.
  • Watch out for appetizers.  These foods are often loaded with calories.  Unless the appetizer is the best choice for you to eat at the event you don’t want to fill up too early.
  • Beward of alcoholic beverages.  If your surgeon allows alcohol, which many do not, keep in mind your tolerance.  Depending on the procedure you had done your absorption may be effected, meaning it will take a lot less alcohol to get you silly.  Also beware of the sugar content of drinks, no one wants to dump at the party.  Finally many alcholic drinks have carbonation, which may make you feel uncomfortable.
  • During this hectic season continue to plan out your meals.
  • Continue to exercise.
  • Keep a food journal if you find yourself struggling to keep on track.




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