National Ice Cream Day

Today is National Ice Cream Day!  Who doesn’t love ice cream?  My favorite, pictured above, is Keeney Beany from the Penn State Creamery.   Ice cream traditionally is high in fat and sugar.  Small amounts are packed with lots of calories.  An average 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream contains: 143 calories, 7.5 gm Fat, 4.5 gm Saturated Fat, 18 gm Carbohydrates, 16 gm Sugar, and 3 gm Protein.  As you can see most of the fat comes from saturated fat, which is the type of fat that can clog arteries.  I love ice cream as much as anyone, so I am not trying to be the food police here.  Ice cream can be enjoyed, but should be done so in moderation.  Portion control is the key.  The video below by Cynthia Sass RD will help you as well to choose lower fat choices without sacrificing taste.



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